Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Connect Family With The Internet

The Internet offers a new opportunity to revitalize and reshape the power of extended family.

Right now, as we use this phenomenal new tool, imagine what is happening and what the possibilities are.

The process of assimilation into the modern world makes new things possible for an older world.

Developing countries with old world style kinship networks are adding the internet to the assimilation process. What does that mean in the immediate global economy? What does it mean for the future?

Look at Usenet groups and the category of culture. Right now if you could examine these groups you would find that preserving old world ways and modernization are taking place at the same time.

After a brief review of this phenomena, I have concluded: the internet with the ability to form communities also has the ability to preserve community.

The ability to preserve community offers new opportunities for the extended family system. Men and women possessing highly developed dynastic instincts and great vision will pass on great benefits to their families.

It is my hope that The Good Sons Club offers an opportunity to develop healthy dynastic instincts and inspire greater vision.

Visit: The Good Sons Club Site


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