Friday, June 30, 2006

Century Club: Her hospitality drew in extended family members

Lexington Herald-Leader | 06/25/2006 | Custody may go to foster care over kin

Are we all headed in this direction? Is all family going to be replaced by the state, market forces and peer groups? The following case history is all too common.
Lexington Herald-Leader 06/25/2006 Custody may go to foster care over kin

Substitute for extended family The Sun Herald | 06/30/2006 | Counselors should help parents be more authoritative

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Warren Buffett's actions speak louder than his words:Buffett always intended to give it all away - Business - International Herald Tribune

Warren Buffett's actions speak louder than his words. Warren Buffett's actions say something about dynastic wealth that is contradictory to his words. In the following article from the Innternational Herald Tribune, you will find many Buffett quotes. Many of the quotes would lead you to believe that Warren Buffett does not believe in dynastic wealth.

Look very closely at Warren Buffet's relationship to a younger Bill Gates. In that relationship you will see his actions speak otherwise. In short, if he had a son, daughter, nephew or niece as competent as Bill Gates, Buffett would have put the money in that persons hands.

Obviously, Buffett does not object to concentrated wealth. As that is exactly what he is doing with his bequest. Buffett also describes his view of those who live on inherited wealth. I think that view is simplistic and a generalization. It is a view which ignores the good that can be generated from dynastic wealth.

Buffett always intended to give it all away - Business - International Herald Tribune

As to the power of dynastic wealth I would refer to two books by two different authors:Family Capitalism by Harold James and Wealth by Stuart E. Lucas

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Hudson Reporter - Home Sweet HobokenThe Shannon Lounge - three generations of family

Grandparents Today: Articles: Leaving an Inheritance

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Is Dynastic Thinking Instinct Or Learned?

This question comes to mind every time I think or read about powerful families. Families like the Rothschild or the Kennedy clans. . Many more examples exist.

The record shows the dynastic thinking of Rothschild family founder Mayer Amschel Bauer. This man is able to pass on dynastic instructins to his sons. Mayer's instructions enables the family to operate as one strong unit over many centuries.

Is dynastic thinking learned or is it instinct? Is it like some instincts, dormant until something brings it out? Could it be that bearing many sons brings the instinct out? Is it an instinct held dormant by economic circumstance or operating despite circumstance?

Is dynastic thinking a natural part of our desire for self-actualization, A desire only fulfilled after security and other lower needs are met?

Is it an instinct that some have & others do not? Can it be learned?

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Extended Family Deals With Adversity:Philadelphia Inquirer | 06/21/2006 | Endless Summers for Shore Businesses

The following article illustrates the benifts of extended family during times of adversity:
Philadelphia Inquirer 06/21/2006 Endless Summers for Shore Businesses

Timber Becomes Tool in Effort to Cut Estate Tax - New York Times

Red Bluff Daily News Online - Call goes out to foster families

The following article is a good demonstration. It illustrates that without natural extended family systems, the state is forced to find substitute family systems.
Red Bluff Daily News Online - Call goes out to foster families

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Charlotte Observer | 06/17/2006 | How to include distant relatives

The Power That comes From Passing Something On - Guardians of the Gardens

The following story represents the powerful things we can be part of when we choose to do two things. One choose to accept what has passed on to us with a sense of steardship. Second, finding creative ways to pass on a legacy.
Guardians of the Gardens

Friday, June 16, 2006


This research investigates the use of extended family housing as an alternative type of dwelling. It discusses

Designed for a large family

Housing ideas that can be utilized by extended family: - Charles: Designed for a large family - June 17, 2006

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Happy Father's Day!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Challenge Of Building Upon A Father's Legacy

Fatherhood includes preparing the next generations to build upon legacy. : It's now David's turn to lead

Monday, June 12, 2006

Get Dad And The Grads Together!

Graduation time comes right around Fathers Day. The magic formula for fatherhood is time spent with children. Graduation signals that opporunities for time together may be diminishing. Before that happens why not find some things to do together. Right now! If you need to be reminded of why let Harry Chapin inspire you.
If you need some ideas on what to do Click Here

For some, the perfect community can be built

Might we combine the ideas of co-housing development with revitalized extended family concepts? What might be the result? Can we do this at different economic levels?
For some, the perfect community can be built

The Potential Contributions Of Strong Extended Families

Strong extended families that learn to pool monies and build wealth tthen become strong contributors to the community at large.
Hillsboro Free Press | Social care | Bridging the gap

Strong extended family concepts aid intergenerational issues. Social care Bridging the gap

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

From The Hillsboro Free Press

An extended family invests in community. The following article provides a demonstration of The Good Sons Principle of Contribution.
Hillsboro Free Press

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Kentucky Has A Kinship Care Program

Kinship Care makes good use of extended family members in situations where children are abused or neglected:
See Article below for more.
The Gleaner: News from The Gleaner

Dads Today:Articles:The Involved Dad

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Fathers and Nepotism In A New Light

As we discuss fatherhood we will review some new and revised thinking about Nepotism.

As Adam Bellow states in his Book "In Praise Of Nepotism" :
"People who feel there's something missing in their family relationships are right: sons often complain they don't feel close enough to their fathers, and there's a reason-they are no longer on the veldt learning to hunt and trap game or working together in a craft or business. Without such shared pursuits, fathers have less occasion to teach their children about life and get the satisfaction that goes with it." Bellow feels that "emulating dynastic families would be a good way to overcome some of the biggest problems and dissatisfactions of modern life."

Stuart E. Lucas in his book "Wealth" seems to put yet another positive spin on Nepotism as he discusses a "Nepotistic Advantage".

If family is important, then have an important family.

Friday, June 02, 2006

The Good Sons Club June Theme Fatherhood

In keeping with Fathers Day this June 18th The Good Sons Club Theme for June will be Fatherhood.
Your comments about Fatherhood we be welcome.