The Holidays provide an excellent opportunity to use the principles and concepts of The Good Sons Club. The Holidays are a time when we will interact with our larger extended family. The opportunity arises to observe who among our family can be allies in applying the concept of The Dynamic Family Table:
That is; achieving a high degree of Mutual Aid and Support through the application of Growth, Unity, Contribution, and Longevity. Producing a family system with the ability to Create Opportunity and Overcome Adversity as a unified extended family unit.
As we try to implement the above principles and concepts, resistance will be the norm. Almost everyone will agree to some or all of the goals. However, some will see them as impractical. Others, will see no purpose in attempting to achieve such unity. Some among your family may be unable to contribute significantly at this time.
Here we have the opportunity to begin, with small steps and by putting first things first. To aid you in this noble endeavor we have guides.
I have compiled a list of books that will aid you in this matter.
Stephen R. Covey provides a great first guide in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Family. This book will serve as a means to begin and serve as a reference.
Next, you will see a book that may seem out of place. It appears more appropriate for businesses or governmental agencies. It is a book titled Death By Meeting.
You will find that by applying the ideas in this book you will see that much of the drama and conflict we experiance with family can be put to a larger purpose. This book gives you an opportunity to use your imagination and creativity to make family gatherings both stimulating and productive.
I assure you that both books will give you an opportunity to take small steps towards an extended family that will loom large in your life. Whatever your role; there is a place to begin and there is something large to achieve. Many small steps will get you there.