Sunday, November 20, 2005

Use the Holidays for Inspiration!

The Holidays inspire me to appreciate the power of my family. The Holidays expose your appreciation or lack of appreciation for family. It does not matter if time with family is filled with harmony or conflict or a combination of the two.

It does not matter if your appreciation is from a distance of thousands of miles or from across the dining room table. You can choose to make harmony totally frivolous. You can make conflict destructive. However, both can be used to appreciate the power of family. When conflict is exposed, mine it for opportunities, make it constructive. Maybe just make note of the conflict to deal with after the holidays. As for harmony, build on it, use it for a higher purpose.

History teaches great lessons about the power of family. History teaches how conflict is mined and made useful. History teaches how the power of family dissipates through frivolous purposes. Role models can be found by a good study of history. Today begin a good habit: study history to find ways to make your family strong!
Ignite the spark of your dynastic instincts - read biographies & memoirs.


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