As I read and listen to the many marriage and family advisors, I find little fault with the many techniques taught, or the observations made. Many parenting guidelines, tips for teens, child rearing, health tips, educational tips, family entertainment guides and a wealth of skill guides exist.
Listen to a parents concerns and you hear about behavior, choices to make on health, family finances, how to find time for family members, mixing time for work and family, dealing with neighbors and other family members.
A wealth of good home economics tips are available.
As I read and listen it makes me think about building and operating a sailing ship. There is the design phase, building phase and operating phase. Each phase requires knowldge, skills and detailed choices. The rigging choices the choice of materials, special carpentry skills and techniques are required. The crew needs to be carefully selected. The operation requires navigation skills and overall seamanship. Leadership skills are needed to manage a crew. Management skills are needed to finance the ship, insure it and run it efficiently.
Now imagine that as a ship owner you learn all you can to execute each phase and it is now time to set sail. At this very point, you discover, you do not know where the ocean is. You look for maps that show worthwhile destinations and all you find are small rivers and lakes.
Is it possible we learn all of the skills to raise children, own homes, educate are children, manage our time and careers, but fail to know for what purpose we do these things? Are we stuck in small rivers and lakes? Are we unable to find a sea to sail upon?