Wednesday, January 19, 2005

More on Global Extended Families

Adam Bellow author of IN PRAISE OF NEPOTISM points out that by the 1820s, The Rothschilds had five brothers, each having a "nominally independent" company in five different countries.

England, France, Switzerland, Italy and Germany each had a branch of The House of Rothschild. Bellow points out: "Capital was often pooled and directed toward specific enterprises, or to bail a brother out of a scrape, as Nathan saved James during the Revolution of 1830 in France."

The Rothschild brothers exercised a disciplined global extended family capable of taking advantage of opportunity and dealing with adversity.

Of course, this discipline was instilled by a visionary family founder. This discipline arouse not from a middle class, nor did it rise from an aristocracy. No, the founder was from the humblest of beginnings. The family founder was from a Jewish ghetto in Frankfurt.

Might there be some humble men amongst us, bearing many sons, willing to instill in them, the habits of good sons?


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